We just wanted to send our sincerest thanks to everyone who donated to our recent housewares drive. Luckily, four housing units came available for our participants at once, which proved difficult to furnish immediately. With a single posting on Facebook, we were able to gather donations from about a dozen people who generously gave us housewares of all varieties. From the family who went out and purchased new linens, cleaning supplies and paper goods, to the gentleman who was selling his condo and decided to donate 12 place-settings, the rush of donations was overwhelming! One person brought 2 carloads of donations, from kitchen supplies to a TV and even art to hang on the walls. All of these donations combined allowed us to fully furnish all four units.
The responses from those who received the donations have been warm and heartfelt.
“This relieves stress and is a burden off my shoulders”, said one participant. “I can now use my meager funds to purchase some other important things”, said another.
One family was saved by the donation of a crock pot and George Foreman grill. The gas in their unit was not yet turned on when they moved in, but they were still able to make a meal in their new home because of the donations. Our Director of Housing and Supportive Services was surprised and relieved to smell a home-cooked meal when he stopped to check in on that unit.
It’s only through your generosity that these donations helped turn these housing units into warm, comfortable homes!