The café was abuzz with activity Wednesday, October 23rd, even more so than usual. Job-seeking hopefuls milled about going over possible interview questions and answers, reviewing resumes, and steadying nerves. Inside was a special pre-screening event held by the Workforce Employer Resource Collaborative or WERC. Through WERC, Inspiration Corporation works in cooperation with several other organizations to increase employment opportunities for participants among all agencies. The event on the 23rd, one of many organized by WERC, was designed to prepare job-seekers for an invitation only job fair sponsored by Whole Foods, where job interviews will be conducted on-site.
Participants were greeted in the café by Business Services Representative Allison Susser, who checked them in and offered instructions on entering the interview.
The pre-screening event allowed all clients from a wide range of agencies to brush up on their interview skills and have a chance at an exciting hiring opportunity. Representatives from several WERC agencies, including New Moms, Refugee and Immigrant Community Services at Heartland Alliance, Michael Barlow Center, Growing Home conducted mock interviews for participants. Those who gave the most effective, persuasive interviews were invited to the Whole Foods event. However, according to WERC coordinator, Lisa Meyer, “Most who pass still have some practice and need some coaching, but they get specific feedback for that so they can work on it before the interview/event with the employer.” All interviewees were offered feedback and constructive advice on how to give the best interview possible.
Ten participants were selected to move to the next level. Soon Whole Foods will choose who among them will attend the job fair, where prospective employees will vie for positions in grocery stores and food-prep facilities. Good luck to all the applicants and thank you to Whole Foods for sponsoring this event!